Archive from December, 2015
Dec 17, 2015 - Communication    No Comments

English/ Mr Waugh

In the piece of writing that chakraborthy wrote it had a lot of language features. One language feature  was that he used  “your”. By using your chakraborthy involved the reader so that he could engage you into his piece of writing. Chakraborthy wanted to show us why he thought the Shard was a bad feature for London.

Dec 7, 2015 - Communication    No Comments

English Descriptive story Mr Murray

In a sunny morning me and a group of friends are at the Mexican boarder in a black and red caravan. In the caravan there is a bag of bombs. Me and my friends luckily get pass the boarder without being noticed. As we arrive to our destination in Mexico we see a group of gangsters who approach us and demands the caravan, not knowing there are a bag of bombs inside. Around us it smells like weed which was coming from the gangsters. As they are demanding the caravan we feel worried. The bombs were the main priority to us, so I came to a agreement with them. I said you can have the caravan as long as I get to take the bag and they agreed.

As they drove away with the caravan we entered the house where we were staying. The man I.B.B.Z who built the house did a great job and we were grateful for it. As we sat around the table we brought the bombs out to check if they were all there, we noticed that it said E.L.T on them which was quiet strange to us. 10 minutes later there was a loud knock on the door. I said who is it and she replied Conswela.

As I opened the door a women who had medium length black hair, late 40s, average height women and a chubby face said hello, i’m your house cleaner, with a spanish accent. I quickly shut the door in her face and rushed back to the front room to tell my friends to hide the bombs.



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